Visa från Utanmyra


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Traditional Swedish folk tune, full set of parts.
Find the score HERE.

Scoring: Brass:

Durata: ca 3 min.

Part format: B4 or A4, 1 page

Original scoring: Piano and bass.

Arranger: David Björkman

Notes: In the style of Jan Johansson. Arrangement dedicated to the memory of Leif Selhag.

SKU: ES-11033A Category:

To add a score to your order, please click here:
Printed score: 280 sek (B4 format, 8 pages. Coil bound, frosted plastic cover, hardback.)
Score in PDF: 224 sek (B4 format, 8 pages.)

Printed parts: à 40 kr (B4 format, 1 page. Munken 120 g)
Parts in PDF: à 32 kr (B4 or A4 format, 1 page.)

In the printed material, you get 19 brass and percussion parts: 19 x 40 sek = 760 sek
Ordering PDF-parts, the price will be 19 x 32 sek = 608 sek
Please contact us to pre-adjust or change the order.


PDF, Printed